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Please see below a selection of recommended Crystal Books by my favourite authors.
Simply click on the book cover and it will take you to Amazon, where you are able read more & purchase.

Judy Hall (Crystal Bible Books)

The directory format of these books enables you to find a known crystal instantly or to identify an unknown crystal. They cover the practical and esoteric properties of each stone, including spiritual, mental, psychological, emotional and physical effects, plus its use in crystal healing. Encompassing traditional and contemporary crystal lore, this books draw on Judy Hall's years and years of experience in this field.

Excellent reference books for crystal lovers everywhere.


Judy Hall (Other Crystal Books)

Judy Hall was an internationally known author, astrologer, crystal expert, psychic and healer. A leading authority on spiritual development, Judy had more than 45 years of experience in karmic astrology, crystal healing and past-life therapy. She was the author of over 45 books - including the bestselling The Crystal Bible, which has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide.

                Life Changing Crystals    

Judy Hall (Crystal Prescription books)

These symptom-based A-Z directorys by Judy Hall, author of the best-selling The Crystal Bible¬, will help you to identify exactly the right crystal for your needs whether it be for healing mind, body, psyche or spirit, and will point you to useful stones for improving vitality and well-being.  Practical first-aid guides based on sound crystal healing principles that have been practised for millennial.  


Robert Simmons (Crystal Healing Books)

Robert Simmons has been working with crystals and stones for over 35 years. He is the cofounder of Heaven and Earth.The author of several books, including The Book of Stones, The Alchemy of Stones and Stones of the New Consciousness, he lives in New Zealand.


Simon & Sue Lilly

Simon Lilly trained as a crystal therapist and colour therapist in the 1980s.  With his wife, Sue, he developed and produces Green Man Essences, a large range of vibrational essences gathered from British trees. Since 1991, Simon has been a senior tutor for the Institute of Crystal and Gem Therapists (ICGT) and a founder member of the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations (ACHO), which was set up to promote crystal healing training standards in the UK. Both Simon and Sue have written over a dozen books on crystal healing.



Melody was an internationally known best-selling author, she held a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts degree in mathematics. Her extensive understanding of the metaphysical and of the mineralogical aspects of the mineral kingdom has stimulated and has promoted world-wide interest. 


Lindsey Elizabeth Day

Lindsey Elizabeth Day was taught how to meditate at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi School of Transcendental Meditation in Kent over 25 years ago. She has had a heightened level of awareness of the World of Light ever since. In her book she disclosed that her connection with crystals began during past lives in Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. All the knowledge that is in the books have been revealed to her whilst she was meditating.