Elite Shungite
Elite Shungite AKA Noble Shungite
This amazing mineral has been described as a miracle, as it contains fullerenes ( C60, C70 ), which gives it the unique ability to shield from harmful electromagnetic radiations of any origin, such as computers, microwaves, tv and mobile phones. Shungite is found in varying purity, the lowest form is Shungite bearing rock, which is generally very dirty, black and of little use. Further into the deposit there is material that is of a quality that can be tumble polished, then at the very centre of the nodules there is this gem quality type, often referred to as Elite or Noble Shungite.
Judy Hall writes :-
Shungite's shielding power arises from its uniquie formation. A rare, noncrystalline carbon mineral, it is composed of hollow fullernes called "Buckyballs" and contains virtually all the minerals in the periodic table.
Please also see :-
Large Shungite (Mobile Phone \ Tablet Plate)
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