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Product Description

Golden Healer Pebble

Weighs 31.2 Grams  
Measures 30mm x 25mm 

Golden Healer
The 'Stone of Divine Essence', infused with pure loving energy, bringing forth healing and comfort to all those that receive its Divine touch.
Quartz overall is a high vibrationalstone with a very pure and self-adjusting energy. It works on the whole of the being, the whole of an atmosphere and widely strengthens the energy output of other crystals and minerals. It is a stone mainly in its clear pure form that can be called upon when seemingly all else fails, or when there is confusion of what other crystal or mineral to connect with. In its different forms it does have differing offerings, yet with the same undertones.
Golden Healer can help to create a clean flow of energy throughout the whole self. It is a stone that works to bring deep healing, balance and serenity.
Where there are struggles with low or erratic mood states, Golden Healer can help to sooth and settle. A stone that can bring comfort to the distressed, as well as guidance to the mind.
Golden Healer can help with stability and inner-security, as well as in deeply calming frayed emotions, anger and stress.
This stone can be called upon to help in correcting hormonal imbalance, thyroid upset and weight struggles. Golden Healer encourages healthy, balanced living.
A stone that helps bring calm to tense situations and heavy atmospheres, Golden Healer can create an 'air of peace' if there has been arguments or disagreements.
Where there is need for deep healing, Golden Healer can be of great assistance, no matter the type or amount of healing that is needed. This is a stone that works to heal within all areas of the being.
Golden Healer is beneficial to planetary healing and in raising consciousness. It is a stone that strives to bring Divine essence to all existence.
Call upon this stone to raise hope, strengthen faith and induce feelings of love and unity. Golden Healer encourages fairness and the respecting of one another’sdifferences and preferences.
"To be touched by my energy, is to merge with Divine Essence"
Golden Healer supports spiritual ascension, self-awareness and self-love. It is a stone that teaches that one must first love the self, in order to fully experience true love.
This is a stone that can be of great support and comfort for any being that has moved into a terminal state of illness. Golden Healer can help deeply with acceptance and transition.
A stone that resonates well with all of the energy centers to the body, Golden Healer works to repair, heal and bring complete balance. Alongside this, Golden Healer can also prove to be a very supportive toward empathsand healers, as well as during meditation.



Product Code
MIS 428

Customer Reviews

Golden Healer Pebble 8

Product Code MIS 428