Super Seven Hearts
Super Seven crystals, also known as Sacred Seven Crystals or the Melody Stone, owe their name to the renowned American crystal healer Melody. This extraordinary crystal amalgam is comprised of seven distinct minerals, each contributing its unique energy to the collective synergy of the stone: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite, and Lepidocrosite.
Amethyst infuses the Super Seven with its calming and purifying vibrations, promoting spiritual clarity and inner peace. Clear Quartz, the master healer, amplifies the energies of the other minerals, enhancing their transformative properties and promoting overall balance.
Smokey Quartz adds grounding and protective energies to the mix, shielding against negative influences and promoting emotional stability. Cacoxenite, known as the stone of ascension, facilitates spiritual growth and connection to higher realms, while Rutile infuses the crystal with its illuminating energy, promoting insight and manifestation.
Goethite brings a sense of strength and resilience, aiding in overcoming challenges and fostering a deep sense of inner strength. Lastly, Lepidocrosite infuses the Super Seven with its loving and nurturing vibrations, promoting compassion, forgiveness, and emotional healing.
Together, these seven minerals create a harmonious blend of energies that work synergistically to elevate consciousness, facilitate spiritual growth, and promote overall well-being. The Super Seven crystal is a powerful tool for spiritual practitioners, healers, and individuals seeking to tap into the profound wisdom and healing energies of the Earth.